Hunt Preparation
Your Success is Our Success
Your degree of success in your sheep hunt directly correlates with your degree of physical and mental preparation.
Make sure you develop a plan for getting in “Sheep Shape” including:
– A strong cardio workout at least 3 times a week
– Back strength training (squats, leg press)
– Various hikes with your hiking boots & weighted backpack
– Hiking with your walking poles to get used to using them
Excellent Backpack Hunt Training Podcast :

Travel Tips - Dall Sheep
We try our best to account for all variables and travel details leading up to your hunt. Please keep in mind that much of your hunt in Alaska will be determined by weather, winds, animal movements, and your abilities. Please plan ahead and make sure that you know exactly what gear you have in each bag as well as where your essential gear is packed. We may need to move you last minute to a new camp and it is very smart to know how to grab one bag of your essential gear.
Please leave any larger travel duffel bags and/or suitcases at the charter departure point in Tok or in Anchorage. There is no reason to bring roller bags, bulky items, street clothes, and hard gun cases in the field. Please keep in mind you may have to be able to carry all of your hunting gear (weapon, backpack, clothes, etc) to base camp as soon as you are dropped off by the charter flight. You will probably not be met by horses, ATVs, or any other assistance efforts.
Ripcord Evacuation, Medical Rescue, and Travel Insurance is highly recommended for all of our clients
Judging Dall Sheep
We will most likely spend plenty of time judging the rams that we see on your hunt. Alaska manages their over-the-counter sheep hunts carefully for legal harvests.
A legal sheep in our hunting areas must be:
– Full curl on at least one side when viewed from the side
– Fully boomed on both sides
– Have at least 8 annuli rings (8 years old)
View the Alaska Dept of Fish and Game Sheep Booklet : Booklet PDF Download

DALL SHEEP HUNT (Early August)
(3 total pieces of baggage)
#1 - Hunting Backpack Loaded with all gear inside in small roll-top bags or large ziplocs for ease of unpacking into airplane (a KUIU Taku bag works great for your pack load with gear)
#2 - Hard Sided, Lockable Gun Case (commercial airlines) + Soft Rifle Cover/Sleeve (for use in small airplanes)
#3 - One Small Carry-on Duffel bag for additional personal gear with all gear inside in small roll-top bags or large ziplocs (a KUIU Taku 3000 bag works great for this)
Rifle (6mm or larger sighted in for 300+ yards)​
Ammunition (10-20 rounds) 130gr minimum
Neoprene Scope Cover and/or Lens Caps
Leather Hiking Boots (broke in properly and freshly treated with waterproofing cream)
Sitka Stormfront
Frame Backpack (60-90L recommended)
Lightweight 1-2 Person Backpacking Tent (3-season)
Sleeping Bag (Lightweight with Treated Down or Synthetic, 15 deg. or 30 deg. recommended)​
Lightweight Sleeping Pad​​
Inflatable Pillow (optional)​
Binoculars (10× or 8x recommended)
Binocular Harness or lens covers
Spotting Scope and Small Tripod (Optional, your guide will have them)
Rangefinder (Optional, if there’s a specific model you have paired with your rifle. Your guide will have one)
Merino Wool Socks (2-3 Pair)
Thin Synthetic Sock Liners (Optional)
Underwear (3 Pair)
Lightweight Base Layer Top (1)
KUIU Peloton 97 or KUIU Peloton 130
Sitka Core Zip-T
Lightweight Base Layer Bottom (1)
KUIU Peloton 97 or KUIU Peloton 130 Zip-Offs
Sitka Core
Lightweight Long Sleeve Shirt (1)
KUIU Peloton 200 Zip-T
Sitka Merino Zip-T
Lightweight Pant (wear one during travel and bring one)
KUIU Pro Pant, Kutana Pant, or Attack Pant
Sitka Mountain or Timberline Pant
Lightweight Belt​
Lightweight Jacket or Vest
KUIU Kenai Ultra
Sitka Kelvin Lite
Lightweight Insulation Jacket
KUIU Super-Down Pro Hooded
Sitka Kelvin Down Hooded
Lightweight Insulation Pants
KUIU Super-Down Pro or Super Down Ultra
Sitka Kelvin Down
Lightweight Rain Gear (Jacket and Pants)
KUIU Chugach NX
Sitka Stormfront
Light Weight Waders (over boots)
Lightweight Gloves (1 pair)
KUIU Merino or Peloton
Sitka Core Glove
Waterproof Outer Shell Glove (1 pair)
KUIU Yukon Glove
Sitka Mountain Glove
Balaclava and/or Neck Gaiter (1)
KUIU Peloton 97
Sitka Core
Beanie (1)
KUIU Peloton 240 or Guide
Sitka Jetstream
Baseball Cap (1)
Camp Shoes (We recommend a lightweight pair of hiking boots/backup boots. Wear these during travel.)
Sunglasses (optional)
Ear Plugs
Head Lamp Flashlight & Extra Batteries
Petzel Tikka XP
Petzl Reactik+
Toothbrush & Travel Size Tooth Paste
Medicines and Personal Items
Hydration Bag with Hose (optional)
Small Backpacking Stove (isobutane canisters provided)​
Large backpacking spoon for freeze dried meals
Lightweight backpacking cup for hot drinks
Your favorite sport drink mixes, special candy bar, and personal snacks
Favorite celebratory drink (no alcohol or beer is provided in our camps)
Digital Camera & SD Card and small waterproof case/bag (optional)
Garmin inReach Satellite Text Messaging Device (optional)
Pocket Knife
Havalon Replaceable and/or Leatherman
(2) Walking Sticks
Paperback Book or Downloaded Music​/Movies/Audiobooks
Sunscreen/Band Aids/Blister Kit
Small packable mosquito headnet
Annual Hunt License ($160)
General Season (GS000) Sheep Harvest Ticket (free, printable)
Sheep Big Game Locking-tag ($850)
Wolf locking-tag NOT Required in our area

Travel Tips - Grizzly Bear
We try our best to account for all variables and travel details leading up to your hunt. Please keep in mind that much of your hunt in Alaska will be determined by weather, winds, animal movements, and your abilities. Please plan ahead and make sure that you know exactly what gear you have in each bag as well as where your essential gear is packed. We may need to move you last minute to a new camp and it is very smart to know how to grab one bag of your essential gear.
Please leave any larger travel duffel bags and/or suitcases at the Golden Eagle Outfitters charter departure point in Kotzebue. There is no reason to bring roller bags, bulky items, street clothes, and hard gun cases in the field. Please keep in mind you may have to be able to carry all of your hunting gear (weapon, backpack, clothes, etc).
Ripcord Evacuation, Medical Rescue, and Travel Insurance is highly recommended for all of our clients

(3 total pieces of baggage)
#1 - Backpack Loaded with all gear inside in small roll-top bags or large ziplocs for ease of unpacking into airplane (a KUIU Taku bag works great for your pack load with gear)
#2 - Hard Sided, Lockable Gun Case (commercial airlines) + Soft Rifle Cover/Sleeve (for use in small airplanes)
#3 - One Small Carry-on Duffel bag for additional personal gear with all gear inside in small roll-top bags or large ziplocs (a KUIU Taku 3000 bag works great for this)
Rifle (7mm or larger sighted in for 300+ yards)​
Ammunition (10-20 rounds) 175+ gr.
Neoprene Scope Cover and/or Lens Caps
Breathable Waist High or Chest High Waders with stocking-foot booties
Wading Boots
Leather Hiking Boots (broke in properly and freshly treated with waterproofing cream) (We recommend a lightweight pair of hiking boots/backup boots. Wear these during travel.)
Sitka Stormfront
Frame Backpack
Sleeping Bag (Lightweight with Treated Down or Synthetic, 15 deg. or 30 deg. recommended)​
Lightweight Sleeping Pad​​
Inflatable Pillow (optional)​
Klymit Pillows
- Binoculars (10× or 12x recommended)
Binocular Harness or lens covers
Spotting Scope and Small Tripod (Optional, your guide will have them)
Rangefinder (Optional, if there’s a specific model you have paired with your rifle. Your guide will have one)
Merino Wool Socks (3-4 Pair)
Underwear (3 Pair)
Lightweight Base Layer Top (1)
KUIU Merino 145 Hoodie or KUIU Peloton 130
Sitka Core Zip-T
Lightweight Base Layer Bottom (1)
KUIU Merino 145 or KUIU Peloton 130 Zip-Offs
Sitka Core
Lightweight Long Sleeve Shirt (1)
KUIU Peloton 200 Zip-T
Sitka Merino Zip-T
Lightweight Pant (wear one during travel)
KUIU Pro Pant or Guide Pant or Attack Pant
Sitka Mountain or Timberline Pant
Lightweight Jacket or Vest
Sitka Kelvin Lite
Lightweight Insulation Jacket
KUIU Super-Down Pro Hooded
Sitka Kelvin Down Hooded
Lightweight Insulation Pants
KUIU Super-Down Pro or Super Down Ultra
Sitka Kelvin Down
Lightweight Rain Gear (Jacket and Pants)
KUIU Chugach NX
Sitka Stormfront
Lightweight Gloves (1 pair)
KUIU Merino or Peloton
Sitka Core Glove
Waterproof Outer Shell Glove (1 pair)
KUIU Yukon Glove
Sitka Mountain Glove
Waterproof Insulation Glove (1 pair)
KUIU Super Down Glassing Mits
Balaclava and/or Neck Gaiter (1)
KUIU Peloton 200
Sitka Core
Beanie (1)
KUIU Peloton 240 or Guide
Sitka Jetstream
Baseball Cap (1)
Ear Plugs
Head Lamp Flashlight & Extra Batteries
Petzel Tikka XP
Petzl Reactik+
Toothbrush & Travel Size Tooth Paste
Medicines and Personal Items
Hydration Bag with Hose (if preferred)
Large backpacking spoon for freeze dried meals
Lightweight backpacking cup or Thermos for hot drinks
Your favorite sport drink mixes, special candy bar, and personal snacks
Favorite celebratory drink (no alcohol or beer is provided in our camps)
Digital Camera & SD Card and small waterproof case/bag
Garmin inReach Satellite Text Messaging Device (optional)
Pocket Knife
Havalon Replaceable and/or Leatherman
(2) Walking Sticks
Paperback Book or Downloaded Music​/Movies/Audiobooks
Sunscreen/Band Aids/Blister Kit
Small packable mosquito headnet
Annual Hunt License ($160)
Registration Permit (RB762) Grizzly Bear (free, printable after July 1)
Brown/Grizzly Bear Big Game Locking-tag ($1,000)
Wolf Big Game Locking-tag ($60)