Barren-Ground Caribou
All of our Barren-Ground Caribou hunts are available as an add-on species on our grizzly bear hunts. Depending on the migration and movements of caribou herds it may be recommended to have a caribou tag in your pocket. The bag limit is one Caribou bull in our units per regulatory year.
Open Caribou Season on Arctic Grizzly bear hunts : Aug 1 - Sept 30
Over-the-counter tag and harvest ticket

Noatak national preserve
Our exclusive guide use concession in the Noatak National Preserve is home to some of the most remote country in Alaska. This untouched wilderness is home to the most spectacular views available to hunters.
We have secured this hunting area to provide our clients with the best opportunity to experience the true Alaska wilderness and take trophy animals.
However, the Federal Subsistence Board has closed the take of caribou on federal lands within the Noatak Preserve (unit 23) for the 2024 fall season (closures began in 2022). The new closure regulation states that it may not be open again to non-resident hunting until the Caribou herd exceeds 200,000 animals in population.
Your Own pilot
After you arrive in Kotzebue or Anchorage, you will continue your journey to a remote airstrip in our hunting area via a Cessna 207 air charter. From there, you will be in our care. We operate our own Piper Super Cub airplanes to make sure you are safely brought into spike camp to meet your guide. This will also allow you to move camps if needed and relocate with ease.

Caribou pricing
2024 Season :​​ CARIBOU NOT AVAILABLE FOR 2024
Caribou tags and harvest tickets are available over-the-counter and must be purchased before the hunt begins. Purchase your license, locking-tag, and harvest ticket online at
Outfitter Mont Mahoney : 907-360-6190